
Andrew's life is plant life. Botania blossomed from a passion for design and the environment. Andrew's mission is to curate plant life in homes as living art. He aims to not only curate, but ensure the health and longevity of the plants he works with through careful selection and knowledge. There is so much pleasure a happy plant can instill on its surrounding environment.

I take a teacher-first approach to empower you with plant care knowledge and confidence. Attention to detail is what makes this living art form thrive. I teach and share within our community to build confidence in every plant owner we work with. This is Botania’s secret formula. When my life- and business-partner Andrea isn’t helping major media companies develop and implement video strategies, she is our advocate for teaching and learning within the Botania Club. More people should have more plants because plants make us happy. It’s our credo and we mean it.

So, welcome to the Botania Club! Your membership begins when you adopt a Botania plant and it’s official. Send us pictures and ask us questions. Get involved with our social media community. We love talking about your new plant(s) and any of your other plants. We are thrilled to invite you in to our community filled with confident plant owners.

Plant life is local. The nursery business has been wonderfully enhanced by internet availability, which we celebrate. We are also eager to promote small creative boutiques that have served their communities for generations. We simply demand the right plant for the right place. We stand for nothing less than ethically sourced and lovingly installed. Botania prides itself on inclusivity. We are here to promote good people and good ideas. The more diverse our community, the more we build a sustainable environment for the growth and development of plants and people. From the novice plant parent to the home jungle creator, we desire your valuable creativity and unique perspective to grow this booming plant community.

We believe in the science behind why plants make us happy, the “biophilia” effect. The joy that a healthy plant brings you and the attraction you feel to nature and the natural art form. With high rates of migration to urban settings in the developed world and soaring population density rates in developing countries – biophilia is of increasing importance to not only our health and well-being, but to the health and well-being of the environment as a whole.

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